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Showing posts from August, 2017

Love is powerful.

Alright, not gonna lie, I don't really have much to report here. My diet is going OK. We did eat out more often then normal this week, so I'm afraid that as of Friday morning, I'm going strong at 207.8lbs. As of this morning though, I was at 206.4lbs! YAY! However, I'm going by Friday's morning weight, so officially I did not lose anything. BUT I did not gain! And I'm proud of that! There is something I want to talk about though, but it's not about health. Well, not physical health, more emotional health I suppose. Earlier this evening, a friend posted this on Facebook: Posts like these upset me, probably more than they should.  I hate these kinds of posts. If there is ever something to not regret, it's giving love. You can be upset about how the relationship turned out, time you can't make up, but NEVER regret giving somebody love. Giving love is the best gift you can give and you never know what kind of an impact it can have.  It can hurt