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Showing posts from July, 2017

I'm Late!!!

OK, I know I'm two weeks late for this post, but you all know how life happens! So, a few years ago, my mom and I had given ourselves a goal; we were gonna be able to run a 5K by St. Patty's Day. When St. Patty's day came, I ran/jogged the whole thing! Now, I don't remember my time and I know it was more than 30 minutes, but the fact was, I did not stop! My mom managed to run maybe half of it, but for a woman in her 50's who hasn't been active like that in a long time, that was amazing! That gave us so much confidence! So, that summer, my mom and I managed to do one 5K a month! It was awesome! Each time, I got better and better and my mom was able to run more and more.  There was a race that we did back that then where the course made us run on a sidewalk that went under a bridge. We ran and followed the sidewalk until it turned a sharp almost 180 degree and made us go back to the bridge and this time run across it. Imagine my surprise when I cros

Feeling Good... Soon

So, the past few months I have not been in the best place, mentally or emotionally. Back in April, bout a week before my 30th birthday, I was laid off from a job I loved. You can imagine what that did for my self esteem. Especially since I applied to other positions with the company and didn't get hired back on. That was like a punch in the gut. Especially when of the 7 stores I applied to, only 2 of them called me back to even tell me no. So, when I turned 30, I was unemployed. I was looking for entry level positions to start a new career with a new company. Places I thought I'd be perfect for, that were similar to my previous job and company, told me that I did not have the experience they were looking for or just never called back after the interview to tell me one way or another. My self esteem was shit. I felt like a failure and completely worthless. But of course I had to keep on a brave face for family and friends who tried to cheer me up. Currently, I am train


Whelp, I discovered something awesome about myself this week. Last Friday, I ate halibut and some celery around noon. By 4pm, I felt so sick, I couldn't stop myself from throwing EVERYTHING up! It was disgusting!!! The next day my ribs were sore and about an hour after my boyfriend had left for work, I noticed a rash forming its way down my face and neck... Now, I don't know if this was all a response to the halibut, but considering I rarely eat fish and a lot of people in my family do have a fish allergy... I'm going to play it safe. (This is a bad picture, but the only angle I could get to show the rash right in the camera!) That rash lasted for a good 3 days...  Thank god for makeup right?! With fish no longer a dietary option for me, I fell back to my good old turkey sandwich! I should confess that I have an obsession with turkey sandwiches. I have had one literally almost everyday. They aren't the fancy kind either, just your plain whole wheat bread, O