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I'm Late!!!


I know I'm two weeks late for this post, but you all know how life happens!

So, a few years ago, my mom and I had given ourselves a goal; we were gonna be able to run a 5K by St. Patty's Day. When St. Patty's day came, I ran/jogged the whole thing! Now, I don't remember my time and I know it was more than 30 minutes, but the fact was, I did not stop! My mom managed to run maybe half of it, but for a woman in her 50's who hasn't been active like that in a long time, that was amazing! That gave us so much confidence! So, that summer, my mom and I managed to do one 5K a month! It was awesome! Each time, I got better and better and my mom was able to run more and more. 

There was a race that we did back that then where the course made us run on a sidewalk that went under a bridge. We ran and followed the sidewalk until it turned a sharp almost 180 degree and made us go back to the bridge and this time run across it. Imagine my surprise when I crossed the finish line to see my mom waiting for me!!! I'm not gonna lie, my confidence suddenly plummeted. This was the first time she had beaten me! Turns out, while I went under the bridge like I was suppose to, the group she was with got confused on the course and instead went up the stairs to cross the bridge immediately. She beat me by no more than 3 minutes! SHE CHEATED!!! AUGH!

We've had a lot of fun with 5Ks in the past, so when the opportunity to do another one came up, we were excited! BUT since we haven't done one in a long time (years honestly) we knew were in no shape to do this one and would not be in shape on time. We decided to walk it. After all, this was the Inflatables 5K!!!

Walking was the right decision! We were winded after each obstacle we did! Plus it was well over 100 degrees and we were sweating just standing around and waiting for the race to start... Also, the terrain was too awkward with rocks and stickers for us to have taken the run seriously.

Going up steep slopes, holding onto ropes to pull you up, sliding or running down a steep slope without running into other people, and trying to keep your balance was a surprising workout. My legs and arms were sore and my hands hurt from gripping the ropes.

I wanna go over 5K etiquette for a second... When you get to the top of an inflatables obstacle, do NOT start jumping!!! You've got people of all different shapes, ages, and physiques climbing this thing. I about punched this guy for jumping. Not only did I almost lose my balance and fall backwards (luckily, I did not!), my 60 year old mother was RIGHT BEHIND ME!!! He did this twice before he finally moved far enough ahead of us he was no longer an issue.

Even so...

I can't wait to do it again! And they even posted a picture of me on their website!!! AAAAAAHHHH!

I'm the chick in the blue tank top and black shorts! (AH! I'M BLIND! Look at my white ass legs!) I adjusted the straps on my tank to pull it up high so I didn't accidentally flash too much cleavage (or boob since I couldn't find my sports bra and was stuck with a normal one!) during the obstacles. Now, normally, it's my experience with 5ks where there are a couple of photos of you (well, me at least) taken. This time though, this is the only photo we could find. We couldn't find one of my mom! C'mon! Don't you wanna see a picture of a 60 year old woman holding her knees as she slides down to the finish line? I know I do!

I'm gonna go on a sudden subject change here.

Remember my last post about feeling down in the dumps and how I just started a new job? Well, back when I first got laid off in April, one of the first jobs I had applied for was for the City as a Police Desk Clerk. Pretty much, I'd be answering non 911 calls all day and maybe doing some filing. A week after I applied, I had to go to City Hall to take a few tests. They consisted of Customer Service/Call Center aptitude (IE can you type info as you're talking to the customer). I scored a 98%! Then there were a few other tests, filing alphabetically and numerically. I scored a 96% on that thanks to a punctuation at the beginning of a name. On the typing tests I got 88 wpm. Pretty good for most people, but lower than my old 130 wpm from high school. Either way, I was proud. Then there were tests on Word, Outlook, and Excel. I don't remember my scores on all three of these, but I know Word was above 80% and Outlook was above 75%... Excel on the other hand is evil. I hate Excel. I got a 62% on it I think.

Either way, I was proud of my scores.

A month after these tests, I was called in for an interview. So now, we're in may. It was a panel interview where I talked to who would become my immediate supervisor, the HR representative, and a police representative who obviously didn't give a shit who they hired. I answered honestly and gave plenty of examples from my previous work history. I mentioned at the end of the interview how I had never been part of a panel interview before and had been very nervous, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. They laughed.

Two weeks went by and I heard nothing. So, I called HR and asked about the job. I was told that it looked like someone had been selected for the job and they were waiting on approval for the job offer and the drug test. Discouraged, I continued looking for a new job.

TWO MONTHS LATER on literally the LAST DAY of my training with this new job, July 21st, I get an e-mail...

"Good evening Pamela,
I am contacting you regarding the position that you applied and interviewed for the Police Case Desk (Customer Service Clerk II) position. Good news! The team would like to offer you the position at a starting hourly wage of (2 more dollars than you are currently making/hr). We have two open start dates, July 31st or August 14th..."

What the hell... did the last person just bail on them, did they get another opening, or was I the one they wanted to offer this to in the first place and they just took their dear sweet time? We all know that the City does things sloooooowly...

The job I really wanted is being offered to me!!! But I just literally finished training at my new job... I needed to think this over, but I didn't want to not respond.

So, I accepted the job, stating I needed to put in my 2 weeks with my current job so I'd have to start on August 14th. I decided to use this time to figure out what I wanted to do, I felt SO guilty!

I had several heart to hearts with my big sister about it and she said something in our last one that spoke to my heart, because it is a BIG issue of mine. "Guilt is what holds a lot of people back."

I don't know about you all, but I have a HUGE guilty conscience. It's why I never signed of up for the military after high school (my mom was terrified of me going), it's why I never joined the police force, it's why I stayed at my high school job for 8 years!, and it's why I do not drink (I'm afraid of getting drunk and saying something offensive to someone).

So, I'm taking the job. I really want it. It pays more, the insurance is just as good if not a little bit better.

But most importantly, if I take the guilt out of the equation, you know how I feel?

I feel good.

Like, really good.

The hours are gonna suck and it's going to be stressful as hell, but I know it's the right thing for me. As least for now.

Anyway, enough about my personal drama!

So, Friday is usually the day I give you my new weight. I did have a hard time losing weight the last couple of weeks, but that's OK. When it comes off slow, it's easier to keep it off, right? That's what we've always been told anyway. When I stepped on the scale Friday morning it said 207.8lbs. When I stepped on the scale this morning, it said 208.6 lbs. Because I always go with the Friday weight, that's what I'm counting as my official weight.

Starting Weight: 212lbs
Current Weight: 207.8lbs
Weight Lost: 4.2lbs
Weeks: 4 

That's 1lb a week! That's still a loss! Hey, if I lose 1lb a week, by my next birthday (April 13th), I'll be 171lbs! And by the end of June of next year, I'd be 160lbs! That's nothing to be upset about!

Have a good night everybody! I'll see you next week!


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